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Uzmetkombinat Global Response

At Uzmetkombinat, the health and safety of our employees, customers, suppliers and the communities where we do business is our highest priority.

Quality and safety is a core of performance at Uzmetkombinat

Uzmetkombinat is operating for more then 78 years, since 1944 being is the only enterprise of ferrous metallurgy in Central Asia. After major moderinsation in 2013, the enterprise meets the highest quality, safety, enviromental standards inr Central Asia and Europe. Strategic and long term goal is to be reliable partner for customers, to meet the needs of domestic and export customers threw inovation, modernisation and high level of customer service.

Service We Provide

Uzmetkombinat Industrial high end manufacturing services are a perfect complement
to today’s high tech industries.


Tons produced


Tons exported

Why Choose Us?

We Produce And Work For
Social Development

Our people are our biggest asset but the only way to unlock their potential is to invest in the right business systems that encourage innovation. When you enable motivated people with the right tools, and the right ethical framework, the combination is powerful.

Statistics of growth in the past 2 years:


Outline Your World

in a whole new way.

Our Latest Projects

All functions including supply chain, value chain, project scheduling, manufacturing, services and spares,
technology, R&D, etc. are integrated to give a complete solutions package.